
International Symposium on Future Software Technology 2003

Updated: Thu May 1 21:49:46 JST 2003 / v0.99 *** POSTPONED to ISFST-2004 ****
Thu Apr 17 17:35:07 JST 2003 / v0.9 Japanese PC candidates
Fri Apr 11 15:32:57 JST 2003 / v0.8 Korean PC candidates
Tue Apr 8 15:29:45 JST 2003 / v0.7 chinese PC candidates
			Call for Papers
		(Version 0.99, prepared by SEA Office)


   International Symposium on Future Software Technology 2003

           October 15(Wed) - 17(Fri), 2003 in Xi'an

	***** Due to SARS outbreak spreading over China,    *****
	***** We decided to POSTPONE ISFST next year 2004.  *****
	***** ISFST-2004 will be held in Xian as we planned *****
	***** Please submit your paper and join ISFST-2004. *****

                     Co-sponsored by

            Software Engineers Association (Japan)
    UNU International Institute for Software Technology (Macau)
             Northwest University (Xi'an)


ISFST-2003 is the 8th International Symposium on Future Software

The previous seven symposia in this series were successfully held
in China since 1996.  The series have been  co-organized by SEA
(Software Engineers Association) of Japan, UNU/IIST (International
Institute of Software Technology of United Nations University),
and the local host academic organizations.

This year, Northwest University (NWU) in Xi'an will be our host.

The purpose of the Symposium is to review the recent progresses
in software technology, to exchange various technical and business
information, and to promote the sound industry-academia cooperation
for future. It will provide a unique opportunity for practitioners,
researchers and educators in software community to gather latest
information and discuss the advances and the trends in the field.
Program committee is looking forward to receive your submission of
research papers, experience reports, and tool demonstrations
related to the following topics.


Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

  T01:  System/Software Development Paradigm (e.g.: OpenSource)
  T02:  System/Software Evolution and Maintenance
  T03:  Database/Knowledge/Data Mining, Discovery and Engineering
  T04:  Requirement, Product Line Engineering
  T05:  User-Interface, Archtecture, Testing
  T06:  Methodologies, Modeling, Framework
  T07:	Web-based System/Software Engineering
  T11:  Security, Web-based system (e.g.: Web services)
  T12:  Mobile and Multi Agent system
  T21:  Process, Project, Testing and Quality Improvement/Management
  T22:  Human Resource Development/Management
  T23:  Distributed/Conccurrent/Cooperative Software Development/Management
  T31:  Formal Methods, Algorithms, Logics, Fault Tolerance, Reliability
  T32:  Software Evaluation, Verification and Validation, Quality Assurance
  T33:  Communication, Multimedia, Graphics, Simulation, Languages
  T34:	Parallel/Distributed/Realtime computing
  T41:  Industry Experiences and Survey
  T42:  New Application Technologies and Domains (e.g.: eCommerce)
  T43:	Business Process Re-engineering, Cooperative Work Support, Education
  T44:	Object-Oriented Analysis/Design/Programming/Testing, Embedded Systems
  T50:	___specify____

The unique feature of the ISFST symposia is that the program
includes informal but intensive working group style discussion
sessions besides ordinary-style paper presentations.  Industry
people are encouraged to propose demonstration of tools and/or
report their experience instead of submitting regular papers.

Xi'an is the one of the oldest cities and have unique historical
background and culture.  All the attendees from other reagion of
china and visitors from outside china can be enjoy their stay at
Xi'an during the symposium.

Paper Submission:

Submissions for a full paper or an extended abstract should be
received no later than June 30, 2003 by the following address:

	Email_Only_to:isfst2003-paper @

Paper submissions should contain title, author names and their affiliation
and address, abstract, list of keywords and applying category of topics
followed by the text within 5000 words in 6 pages.

Experience report submissions should contain title, author names and
their affiliation and address, abstract, list of keywords and applying
category of topics followed by the text within 2000 words in 4 pages.

Tool demo submission should contain the name of the tool, author names
and their affiliation and addresses, list of keywords, followed by the
text describe tool function within 2 pages.

Only electronic submission in PDF, portable Postscript or Word format
via e-mail will be accepted.

Note: The paper should be written in english only.
	Helvetica (or Arial) and Time (New) Roman fonts only.

	Use local fonts free author's kit at:

Important Dates:

	***** POSTPONED to 2004 in Oct. at Xian *****
**** Please submitt your paper next year ****
Submission deadline: June 30 (Mon), 2003 GMT+8 Notification of acceptance: August 22 (Fri), 2003 GMT+8 Final paper due: September 22 (Mon), 2003 GMT+8 Paper selection will be based on originality and contribution to the topics. Papers are reviewed formally by more than two PC members and will be judged at the PC meeting on early August. SEA, Japan will publish the symposium proceedings with ISBN number in CDROM after the symposium by compiling the papers accepted and presented at the symposium and the summary report of working group discussions, etc. ISFST-2003 Staffs (alphabetical order by family name) ---------------- General Co-Chairs: DooKwon BAIK (Korea University) Kegang HAO (Northwest University) Akira KUMAGAI (SEA) Program Co-Chairs: Zhi JIN (Chinese Academy of Science) SooYong PARK (Sogang University) Kazunori SHIOYA (SRA-KTL) Program Committee Members: Keijiro Araki (Kyushu University) Doo-Hwan BAE (KAIST) Yanqiu CHEN (Fudan University) Zhiguo CHEN (Henan University) Daoxu CHEN (Nanjing University) Ming FAN (ZhengZhou University) Hiroyuki FUKASE (SEA) Chris GEORGE (UNU/IIST) Yuqing GU (ASTI Beijing) Jiang GUO (California State University) Hyuk-Soo HAN (SangMyung University) Peter Hoh IN (Texas A&M University) Masao ITO (Nil Software) Sung-Won KANG (Information and Communication University) Chang-Hwa KIM (KangNung National University) Yue-Sun KUO (Academia Sinica) Kei KURAKAWA (NAIST) Byung-Gul LEE (Seoul Women's University) Danning LI (Guizhou Academy of Sciences) Minglu LI (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Yunsheng LIU (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Hong MEI (Peking University) Hirofumi MUKAINO (YAMAHA) Takamasa NARA (Hitachi Systems and Services) Sebastian NG (Swinburne University of Technology) Toshitsugu NOMURA (JIPS) Kouichiro OCHIMIZU (JAIST) Soo-Hyun PARK (KookMin University) Beijun SHEN (East China University of Science and Technology) Tetsuo TAMAI (University of Tokyo) Kazuo TANAKA (JFITS) Jiro TANAKA (University of Tsukuba) Ji WANG (Changsha Institute of Technology) Chenqing YE (Zhejiang University) Keun-Hyuk YEOM (Pusan Nat.l University) Li ZHANG (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Zhizhuo ZHAO (Xiamen University) Mingquan ZHOU (Northwest University) Web Publicity Chair and Mailing list manager: Hideo NAKANO (Osaka City University) Advisory Staff: Dehua JU (ASTI Shanghai) KyoChul KANG (POSTECH) Gargi KEENI (TCS) Yoshitaka MATSUMURA (SRA-KTL) Xichang ZHONG (SEC-CAS) Youliang ZHONG (Hypersoft) Local Arrangement: Wei GE (Northwest University) Xiaoqing GONG (Northwest University) Treasurer: Kouichi KISHIDA (SEA) Official Web Page: Web Page inside China: ***** POSTPONED to 2004 in Oct. at Xian *****
**** Please submitt your paper next year ****

Call for Participation of ISFST-2003