% isfst.sty % % Originally developed by Stephane Chatty [chatty@dgac.fr]. % Modifications by Steve Feiner [feiner@cs.columbia.edu] noted with SKF. % Modifications by RICH % Modifications by RICH from uist96 to approximate Latex2e chi96 class % Modifications by Masao Ito for ISFST97 % Modifications by Kazunori SHIOYA for ISFST2003 and after, noted w/KS. % % isfst.sty is to be used like this: % % \documentstyle[times,isfst]{article} % \begin{document} % \title{Your Title} % \author{Your name and address} % \maketitle % \abstract % Your abstract goes here. % \keywords Your, keywords, go, here, separated, by, commas % \section{INTRODUCTION} % Etc., etc. . . . % \end{document} % % I was not able to redefine the output routine in order to % make the two columns of the last page equal in length. % To do that, add a \linebreak (to justify the current line) % and \newpage (to start a new column) % at the right place in the text on your last page. \typeout{Style "ISFST recommended" <31 March 2003>.} % SKF: Changed pagestyle default to empty % change this to \pagestyle{plain} to temporarily add page numbers \pagestyle{empty} % fonts for headings in Helvetica. Edit if you have no such fonts % Removed - CR %\font\helvix=phvr at 9pt % roman9 %\font\helvixb=phvb at 9pt % bold9 %\font\helvixo=phvro at 9pt % italic9 %\font\helvxviiib=phvb at 18pt % bold18 % slight change to line spacing \def\@normalsize{\@setsize\normalsize{11pt}\xpt\@xpt \abovedisplayskip 10pt plus2pt minus5pt\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ plus3pt\belowdisplayshortskip 6pt plus3pt minus3pt\let\@listi\@listI} % RICH: reduced topsep \def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini \parsep 4pt plus 2pt minus 1pt\topsep 0pt plus 2pt\itemsep 4pt plus 2pt minus 1pt} % redefined to avoid parskip after section headings \def\@xsect#1{\@tempskipa #1\relax \ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@ \par \nobreak \vskip \@tempskipa \vskip-\parskip % added \@afterheading \else \global\@nobreakfalse \global\@noskipsectrue \everypar{\if@noskipsec \global\@noskipsecfalse \clubpenalty\@M \hskip -\parindent \begingroup \@svsechd \endgroup \unskip \hskip -#1 \else \clubpenalty \@clubpenalty \everypar{}\fi}\fi\ignorespaces} % all these are redefined to adjust headings style \def\section{ \@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}{-0.01ex plus -.2ex}{.01ex plus .2ex}{\normalsize\bf} } \def\subsection{ \@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{-0.01ex plus -.2ex}{.01ex plus .2ex}{\normalsize\bf} } \def\subsubsection{ \@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{0.01ex plus .2ex}{- 1em}{\normalsize\it} } % separation between paragraphs \parskip 1.75ex plus 1pt % indentation of paragraphs \parindent 0pt % SKF: Section numbers may be optionally used for UIST! % no section level is numbered \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % abstract is just another section \def\abstract{\section*{ABSTRACT}} % SKF: keywords is a subsection (CR) \def\keywords{\subsection{Keywords}} % SKF % redefined maketitle to eliminate \thispagestyle{plain} and add the copyright box \newif\if@copyright \@copyrighttrue \def\nocopyright{\@copyrightfalse} \def\maketitle{\par \begingroup \def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}} \def\@makefnmark{\hbox to 0pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}} \if@twocolumn \twocolumn[\@maketitle] \else \global\@topnum\z@ \@maketitle \fi %%% SKF: If you want to disable the copyright box (e.g., for an IEEE %%% publication), then comment out all lines from here up to the %%% line labeled ``End of copyright box'' %%% %%% SKF: NOTE: Assume that \textfloatsep is 20pt. Therefore height of picture %%% must be 2.54cm - 20pts = 1.84cm %%% %\if@copyright % \begin{figure}[b] % \setlength{\unitlength}{1cm} % \begin{picture}(8.5,1.84) %% SKF: Compensate for \textfloatsep in height!!! % \end{picture} % \end{figure} %\fi %%% End of copyright box \@thanks \endgroup \setcounter{footnote}{0} \let\maketitle\relax \let\@maketitle\relax \gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}\let\thanks\relax} % redefined title presentation \def\@maketitle{ % \vbox to 2.5in{ \begin{center} {\LARGE\bf\baselineskip 20pt \@title \par} \vskip 1.5em {\lineskip .5em\xiipt \begin{tabular}[t]{c}% \@author \end{tabular}\par}% \end{center} \vskip 5ex %\vfill} } % default definition for \author \def\authorname#1{\gdef\@authorname{#1}} \gdef\@authorname{Author Name} \def\authoraddr#1{\gdef\@authoraddr{#1}} \gdef\@authoraddr{Author Affiliation\\Street Name\\City} \author{ \begin{tabular}{c} {\large\bf\@authorname}\\[.4cm] \@authoraddr \end{tabular} } % redefinition of itemize %% SKF: Modified to indent all lines past 1st. \def\itemize{\ifnum \@itemdepth >3 \@toodeep\else \advance\@itemdepth \@ne \edef\@itemitem{labelitem\romannumeral\the\@itemdepth}% \list{\csname\@itemitem\endcsname}{\topsep -.5\parskip\parsep 0pt% \itemsep 0pt\itemindent 0pt\labelwidth 1ex\def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}}\fi} \leftmargini 2ex %% SKF \leftmarginii 2ex %% SKF % redefinition of captions \long\def\@makecaption#1#2{ \vskip 4pt \@tempdima\hsize \advance\@tempdima -1cm \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\normalsize #1: #2} \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\@tempdima {\advance\leftskip .5cm \advance\rightskip .5cm\normalsize\baselineskip 10pt #1: #2\par} % SKF: added baselineskip \else % RICH: changed centering to centerline {\centerline{\hbox to\@tempdima{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}}} \fi} % redefined bibliography stuff to change the heading and the labels \def\@biblabel#1{#1.\hfill} \def\thebibliography#1{\section*{REFERENCES\@mkboth{REFERENCES}{REFERENCES}} \list{\arabic{enumi}.}{ \settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]} \leftmargin\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin\labelsep \itemsep\z@ %RICH: space between entries not needed \topsep\z@ \parskip\z@ \partopsep\z@ \usecounter{enumi}} \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em} \sloppy \clubpenalty4000 \widowpenalty4000 \sfcode`\.=1000\relax} % misc. style parameters \twocolumn \flushbottom \columnsep .8cm % SKF: Changed from .85cm \textheight 23.5cm \textwidth 17.8cm % SKF: Changed from 17.85cm % \headheight 0pt \headheight 45pt % KS: expanded tight heading space to 45pt. \headsep 0pt \topmargin -.25in \oddsidemargin -.25in \evensidemargin -.25in \textfloatsep 20pt % SKF: Assume 20pts, so copyright box is right size