We do not
accept on-site registration.
registration will be closed by Apr. 16 thursday.
ICSE'98 in Kyoto will provide a good opportunity for software engineering researchers and practitioners in the Asia Pacific Region to exchange their ideas and/or experiences.
SEA (Software Engineers Association) will organize a two-day discussion forum as one of the co-located events with the conference. The forum will consist of a series of informal panel discussions on specific software engineering topics as listed below.
In the past, SEA once hosted a similar kind of event (Workshop on Asian Approaches to Software Engineering) in 1995 in Seattle at 17th ICSE and it was very successful. We hope that this year's forum will achieve similar level of success by the contribution of each attendees.
Day-1 (April 20 Monday)
Day-2 (4/21. Tuesday)09:00-09:45 Registration
09:45-10:00 Opening
10:00-11:30 Panel-1: "Issues in International Cooperative Research"
Chair: Akira Kumagai (PFU, Japan)
Speakers: 1. Dines Bjorner (Technical Univ of Denmark)
2. Kumiyo Nakakoji (AIST-Nara, Japan))11:30-13:00 Lunch
13:00-15:00 Panel-2: "Software Process Improvement - Lessons Learned"
Chair: Luqi (Naval Postgraduate School, USA)
Speakers: 1. Claudia Chandra (Informix Software, USA)
2. Jiansheng Jin (Copia Corp of China)
3. Akira Ohsone (SunSoft, Japan)
4. Nori Suzuki (Sony Research Lab, USA)
5. Raymond T.Yeh (International Software Systems, USA)15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-17:00 Panel-3: "Oriental Philosophy and Software Engineering"
Chair: Keijiro Araki (Kyushu Univ, Japan)
Speakers: 1. Kouichi Kishida (SRA, Japan)
2. Akira Kumagai (PFU, Japan)
3. Raymond T. Yeh (International Software Systems, USA)18:00-20:00 Reception (at Kyoto Tower Hotel)
FORUM VENUE: Meeting room at 7th floor of OMRON Co. HQ10:00-11:30 Panel-4: "Current Status of IT Industry in Asia Pascific"
Chair: Mitsuhiro Takahashi (Denken)
Speakers: 1. Dehua Ju (ASTI Shanghai, China)
2. K.C.Kang (POSTECH, Korea)
3. Hareton K N Leung (HKPU)
4. Kohei Watanabe (OMRON, Japan)
5. Kazunori Shioya (SRA, Japan)11:30-13:00 Lunch
13:00-15:00 Panel-5: "Process Engineering Research in Asia-Pacific"
Chair: Luqi (Naval Postgraduate School, USA)
Speakers: 1. Shing-Chi Cheung (HKUST, HongKong)
2. Kiyoshi Itoh (Sophia Univ, Japan)
3. De-Hua Ju (ECUST, China)
4. Yoshihiro Matsumoto (Kyoto Univ, Japan)
5. C.V.Ramamoorthy (UC Berkeley, USA)
6. Stephen Yau (Arizona State Univ, USA)15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-17:00 Panel-6: "Cultural Aspects in International Software Project"
Chair: Masami Noro (Nanzan Univ, Japan)
Speakers: 1. Akira Kumagai (PFU, Japan)
2. Xichang Zhong (CASS, China)
3. F.P.Garcia (Federal Univ of Paraiba, Brazil)
4. Aashwina Mouli (SRA Systems, India)
Address: Karasuma-St,
Shichijo-sagaru, Kyoto City 600-8530, Japan
Tel: *** E-mail notification
to participants only ***
Omron HQ Building is located just a few minutes walk
from JR's Kyoto
Station (Karasuma Exit). There is a path from Kyoto
Station through
the underground shopping mall PORTA (shown # on
the map)
Those who staying in the city, take the subway (Karasuma
line) to
Kyoto Station. From outside, take JR train to Kyoto.
We will set up the registration
HALL of the Omron Building. Please check in (check
your name on the attendees list and pick up your name-tag) at the desk
during 9:00-9:30AM.
If you will be late, please make a phone call to the
number which
already sent to all participants.
Conference room is located on the 7th floor.
We do not accept on-site registration.
E-mail registration will be closed
by Apr. 16 thursday.
Lunch (Japanese style "obento") will be served at
the company cafeteria
on the 8th floor.
The evening reception on the 1st day will be at the Kyoto Tower Hotel.
Registration fee for the forum will be JP10000yen including
lunch, reception, and handout materials. Payment should be on site by
cash only.
Kouichi Kishida
Secretary General
Software Engineers Association
3-12 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0004, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3356-1077
Fax: +81-3-3356-1072
E-mail: apc98kyoto@sea.or.jp
See also at ICSE98 Kyoto home page: http://icse98.aist-nara.ac.jp/